In my last post I mentioned the valentines dinner my boyfriend was going to prepare for me, with some skepticism. How can you blame me? This is a man who orders delivery every night of the week and considers his homemade salads a gourmet masterpiece. He is, however, extremely picky and has an appreciation for fine dining. Apparently sometimes this is all you need because his 3 course dinner last night absolutely shocked me. It was honestly one of the best home cooked meals anyone has ever prepared for me. The man freaking flambéed! I'm a culinary graduate and I never flambé. If that wasn't enough to put me to shame his calm, cool, and collected manner in the kitchen was. "Who are you and what have you done with my incompetent boyfriend?" I'm just glad I have finally discovered his secret talent so I can reap the benefits more often ;)

Making magic

Small potatoes with olive oil, garlic and cipollini onions that he roasted at 350 degrees for 30 min. If you can find these onions buy them! They are sweet and tender and make a great addition to any roasted dish.

A side dish of sautéed spinach and fresh tomatoes with garlic. So simple and so delicious.

Quail browned then simmered with white wine, fresh herbs, garlic, shallots and Cognac. Surprised? So was I.
The finished product:

Extremely happy, proud and excited to eat.
Wow! That food looks amazing! It's great to see the photos too of the preparation. Great work!!!