During the Summer there is nothing that I crave more than salads. Except for my strange and sudden addiction to pink berry. I've waited in line for their happy 3 days in a row! I'm honestly ashamed. One free parfait sampler led to an out of control addiction. I'm hoping that by coming clean on Spoondles, the secret won't weigh me down as much. This also may be a good time to mention my addiction to the Bachelor? I know it's trash. But the cat fights are quality. OK I feel better all ready. We all have guilty pleasures right?
Moving on to a not so guilty pleasure. Salads. I've always loved salads. I was what you may call a professional salad maker at age 14. When I was in high school it was my duty to make the salad every night. Wash the lettuce, spin it dry, top with hand grated carrots and beets and a dash of sunflower sprouts. Voila! I was the best in the household. This salad profession inevitably led me to become a salad connoisseur. Now I try salads all over the United States of America and beyond. Recently I tried a green leaf concoction that left quit an impression on me for 3 reasons. It's simplicity, uniqueness and surprising harmony.
This salad (recipe below) surprised me for the sole fact that I have not been a fan of fennel (until now). Thinly sliced fennel mixed with the sweetness of strawberry and bitterness of arugula topped with a light citrus dressing was a refreshing summer treat. You can add goat cheese to give it an extra creaminess but it is in no way necessary. Trust me when I say that this is a salad worthy of any other professional household salad maker out there ;)
Strawberry, Arugula and Fennel Salad
Red wine Vinegar
Olive oil
S & P
Crumbled goat cheese- optional
Thinly slice the fennel and chop the strawberries. Mix them in a big bowl with the arugula and lemon juice. Pour 1-2 tbs olive oil and 2 teaspoons red wine vinegar and toss. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Recipe courtesy of Kali Lindner